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Updated: Dec 4, 2021

Ephesian 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us

A man can only go far as far as his mind can take him. Our own mind can limit us. Some people are hijacked in the prison of their thoughts because of the beliefs they have allowed into their mind. I believe the brain of man falls under the human mind and the mind is divided into three sectors. We have the subconscious segment, the consciousness segment, and the visionary segment. The subconscious segment deals with what we have stored in the mind by the beliefs we have gained. For example, brushing your teeth every morning is a thought that been stored in your subconsciousness. Nobody tells you to brush your teeth every morning, it has already been stored in your subconscious because you have practised it for a long time. Whatever you have practised, heard and done for a long time has been integrated into your subconsciousness.

The conscious part of the mind deals with what you are doing. It deals with your immediate environment. You know of what you are doing because it is new to you. For example, you attend a church meeting in the next minute. The visionary deals with the future. The visionary mind travels to the unseen world before the physical body gets there. The visionary mind sees the end from the beginning.

God is visionary, and He expects us to be visionary. Before God created the whole world, He had already created them in His mind. He commanded them to appear, and they came forth. Study the book of Genesis chapter one for more revelation. Mediate carefully on these scriptures especially the capitalized words.

Genesis 1:4 AND GOD SAW THE LIGHT, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Genesis 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Genesis 1:31 AND GOD SAW EVERYTHING THAT HE HAD MADE, AND, BEHOLD, IT WAS VERY GOOD. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

God created us in His image and likeness and He expects us to be visionary as well because, with the visionaryconsciousness, nobody can stop us.

Before we build a house, architects draw the plan of the building. They can determine the structure, the size and the beauty of the building before the builders start. They picture the unbuilt house in their mind. They make a rough sketch about the building before the building will take place. They lay down the procedure and the instructions for the builders to follow. They draw the plan and give the details of the building before the building takes place.

God expects us to create with our visionary mind. God told Abram, to envision with his mind. God said to Abram. Let us read together.


Genesis 13:15 For all the land WHICH THOU SEEST, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever.

God was telling Abram to see with his visionary mind because God can only work with our vision. If your vision is big, God becomes bigger in your life. God changed the name of Abram to Abraham because he believed in the promises of God. Sometimes our physical mind and current circumstance limit us from using our visionary mind. We have to plug our mind into the mind and visions of God and desire great and good things. You become a liability to your own self if you refuse to maximize your vision. Do not limit yourself by the current circumstance. Don’t allow your colour, race, family, level of education, finances, marriage, children and any other thing to limit you from the vision God has planted into your mind. Believe with all your heart that with God all things are possible (See Jeremiah 32:26-27).

There are things which will be impossible in the sight of men but in the sight of God, it is possible. This makes Him God because every impossibility becomes possible in the sight of God. Lighthouse Chapel International founded by Bishop Dag Heward Mills is found in almost every towns and city in Ghana and in other countries. Dr Yonggi Cho and Bishop David Oyedepo have the largest physical church in the world because they activated the power of vision. why are you limiting yourself by the beliefs you have created? Why are you limiting yourself by the culture of your family and the systems of the neighbourhood? Are you limiting your yourself by the words of your neighbourhood? Are you limiting yourself because of your background? Are limiting yourself because of insufficient finance. Break those limiting thoughts quickly from your mind because Jesus Christ lives in you!

Study the lives of successful people, how they became successful in life. Why some failed and learn from their mistakes. Some were from poor families. Some were illiterate. Their neighbours despised others. Others were rejected by their loved ones but they still persevered. They focused on what they believed in. They worked hard. They studied and believed in God. Even unbelievers are successful, how much more you being a child of God.

Success is possible because God has given us the mind to create and to envision the future. Break that false statement and believe the Word of God. Go on your knees, seek the direction of the Holy Spirit. Make plans and stay focus with a believing heart that God will never forsake you even if the world rejects you. You are not a mistake for your generation. You are a blessing to the world. You are a gift to the world. You are a lifesaver. You are a blessing to the world and to the church. You are the light in the darkness.

Don't allow your enemies to crash you down. Get my book entitled "How to Live and Deal with Enemies" because there are enemies you must deal with before your vision can physically materialize on this earth. Build a prayer life. Move with the heart and the mind of faith. Study and read relevant books connected to your vision. Seek a wise and godly counsel from trusted and experienced people. Connect with the right people and you will surely succeed. Remember, God, is "ABLE TO DO EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US."


Read more: Heavens Gate




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